Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

It is already 5 days into the new year. The presents have been unwrapped and everyone is enjoying their gifts. The wrapping paper has been picked up by the trash men and all the decorations have been put away.  Wow! Now it is time to relax and take a break from my projects.
Today I  dropped off my sewing machine to be cleaned and serviced. I take it in this time of year for a little TLC. Now I have an excuse not to sew. Now if I can just shut my mind off from planning other projects. My head keeps swirling with ideas for sewing and scrapbooking projects. I lost the remote to my brain so I am not able to shut down just for a littel bit. One of my craft related wishes is to organize my ideas in a journal so they can be readily available and not forgotten. I tend to be the type that will write an idea down on a napkin because nothing else is available only to have my son wipe his mouth with it or my husband blow his nose with it. Tragically,  that is how some of my ideas get lost. I am excited to try to be a bit more organized this year so I have a better chanceof putting my thoughts in action. Maybe that will help the flow of creativity be a little smoother.

Now that the Christmas gifts have been given, I can proudly display what I have been up to these past couple of months. I must say I enjoyed making these gifts this year.

These are journal covers that I made for the ladies in my Sunday School class. They nicely cover a plain composition book. I love the colors for the fabric. Each cover was machine quilted. Each journal also has a built in book mark!

Ths is the quilt I made for Molly. She absolutely loved it. I didn't think it would go over as big as it did. It is always nice to have your work appreciated.

And finally the big finish. I made this doll for my friend Terri, the quilter.. I love reproducing things in miniature to look like the real thing. She comes complete with thread, scissors, a reproduction of a pin cushion with real pins, and a shopping bag full of fabric. I used my embroidery machine to fashion her a name tag. The doll came out really good.

Well Happy New Year everyone! I am going to take a brief break for at least a week until my sewing machine comes back.