Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Big Reveal

After about a 3 week process, with a few stops and starts in between, my new and improved sewing room is finished! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!  This is so exciting. I could just explode. Molly did a wonderful job painting my room. She did it for my birthday which was this past November, but there was so much going on with Thanksgiving and Christmas that it had to wait until after. She had a bonus day mid January to get the project all done because of a snow storm, so she had a snow day and didn't have to go to school. I never thought I would say I was glad for a snow storm. It was perfectly timed, because I didn't have to work that day either. She worked really hard to get it done. Enough said, Here it is.................

Molly in painting mode with her favorite paint shirt.

Ta Da!!  I absolutely love the idea of my cutting table in the middle of the room. I had it the far corner where the peg board is now. This was Nathan's idea. And it was a great one. Now I can cut things from all sides. I made the skirt and attached it with industrial Velcro. Sometimes I scare myself I am so ingenious.
Bill put up the peg board for me. This was definitely a family effort.

This area serves a double duty. The kids can do their homework and I can do what ever.

I love the picture with the bunnies and teddy bears. I cross stitched it for Molly before she was born. She tossed it aside so I snatched it up.
I thought this was a great idea. I saw it in a sewing magazine

I got these buttons and scissors for 60% off at Joann Fabric. I can't resist a good deal. I based everything in the room around these, even the paint. I guess you can consider this the focal point of the room.

My first project in my newly decorated space will be a baby quilt. I better get moving, I only have till the end of February!